The good news is that for a total of 7.5 minutes I ran without holding on to the treadmill or wondering if I could make it through each segment. A year ago you never could have convinced me that I would be running anywhere much less training to run for a half-marathon. But here I am finding time in my already busy schedule to fit in a running program three times a week.
There isn't a set time for a running program when you have a two year old running around. So as soon as nap time hits I hit the pavement - or that little piece of plastic that spins round and round. And for a touch of humor today that little piece of plastic decided to stop working but thankfully it wasn't until my cool down.
So Week 2 Day 1 is behind me - the treadmill is repaired and "I think I can" has turned into "I did!"
Woo Hoo Keep up the good work