Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Running Shoes?? On Vacation??
I've seen this little room many times on my explorations from home. I even entered one once when they had the coffee pot and snack choices located in an adjacent room.
NEVER and I repeat NEVER have I looked at this room with longing... until now.
Those that know me will tell you that I am extremely organized. Our most recent vacation (the first with our now 2 year old) I spent two weeks planning, packing and making lists. I had new toys for the 9 hour drive. I had snacks galore and even had them separated based on whether they should be eaten in the car or only when we stopped at a rest area. I had our sons clothes packed in zip lock bags so that he could easily help choose his outfit for each day.
What I did NOT make a list or prepare myself for was the OVERWHELMING desire to enter the little room you see above. I did not even plan to exercise... I was, of course, going on vacation. Doesn't that mean a chance to relax. Take a load off. Not worry (too much) about what you are eating.
Apparently the little running bug that bit me did so hard enough that I wanted to run while on vacation. So instead I looked in with longing and what I am sure the gentleman on the treadmill would declare a crazed look.
So for next time, running shoes are not a question. As I pack for my next trip I will proudly say...
Running Shoes? Check.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Color Me Rad Baby
I finally ran my first 5K... it was touch and go there for a few days. But I did it and in right under 40 minutes. I am still floating on cloud nine from the excitement. And did I tell you that it was Color Me Rad?
I had so much fun and got so colorful that I can't even describe it... so I'll show you. Are you ready? This is me before the race. The smile hides my apprehension.
I had so much fun and got so colorful that I can't even describe it... so I'll show you. Are you ready? This is me before the race. The smile hides my apprehension.
Not too shabby since I can't tell you the last time I wore a white shirt.
Now this is me after...
I'm getting excited for the Disney 13.1! It doesn't seem like too many miles now that I can do 3 with ease. Oh yea... did I tell you?
Running is
Friday, September 14, 2012
Official C25K Graduate
It's official! I am a C25K graduate. I can't believe that I have spent the last 8 weeks learning to run and actually completed the program. Of course I had a few bumps in the road but I overcame them and am now I am just a few short weeks from my first 5K.
Today I wasn't sure what I should do during my training program. My two year old conveniently deleted my C25K app and I didn't realize it until I was ready to run. So I created my own "app" with a pen and paper. I laid out a 40 minute routine that included a few sprints at a faster speed.
So as I continue to train in preparation for the big 13.1 in February I look forward to the changes I continue to see in my body and that I feel better each and every day.
Run On!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
My Oh My - It's been a week
It was a rough week with a really bad training day right in the middle. I was so excited to be able to run outside for the first time since I started training eight weeks ago. I worked hard to lay out my route and get a sitter and even find an outfit that wouldn't make any passerby shudder when they saw me running. I got through my first mile like a breeze... literally. It was over in about 10 minutes. Way faster than I have ever run and it made me grin from ear to ear. Then it hit - a cramp and with that cramp I had nothing else to give. I had to walk the remainder of my route. I felt defeated and a little disappointed in myself. And I won't even begin to tell you about the pain in my back. Literally!!!
So today is Saturday and I dreaded getting on the treadmill today knowing that it was the official beginning of Week 8. That meant that I would be running for 28 minutes straight. That meant that I needed to give it my all. That meant that I had to prove to myself that there was no reason to be disappointed.
I did it... not only did I do the entire 28 minutes I did at a pretty decent pace (14 min/mile) and I didn't stop... nor hold on... nor slow down. The first 20 minuets were tough. I won't lie. But the last 8 minutes proved the theory that so many other runners have mentioned. After the first 20 minutes... it gets easier. :)
Disclaimer: This is not my back... but one day soon my waist will be that small.
So today is Saturday and I dreaded getting on the treadmill today knowing that it was the official beginning of Week 8. That meant that I would be running for 28 minutes straight. That meant that I needed to give it my all. That meant that I had to prove to myself that there was no reason to be disappointed.
I did it... not only did I do the entire 28 minutes I did at a pretty decent pace (14 min/mile) and I didn't stop... nor hold on... nor slow down. The first 20 minuets were tough. I won't lie. But the last 8 minutes proved the theory that so many other runners have mentioned. After the first 20 minutes... it gets easier. :)
Friday, August 31, 2012
I ran two miles! I ran two miles! I ran 2 miles!
It doesn't really matter how many times I say it!
I can't believe that I just ran two miles. Today was Week 7 Day 1 and although I am not quite there with my speed (it should have been 2.25 miles) I actually ran for
I did increase my speed and am now running at 4.2 miles which is 14:17 minutes per miles. Pretty darn good for a fat chick who hasn't run in forever and then only when the PE teacher was looking cuz I sure the heck wasn't running if he wasn't paying attention.
I am just 30 days away from my first 5k and I am so excited to report that I have lost almost 25 pounds and a total of 5.5 inches. I will need a new pair of workout pants before my 5k and not just to look cute but because I can not tighten them any tighter.
If you are just starting to read my blog - welcome - and for those of you who still think I am crazy for doing this I want to thank you for sticking by me. See you at the finish line.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Who ever said it would be easy?
I was so excited as I started off this week as I knew that right in the middle would be my first 20 minute consecutive run as part of my C25K program. Wouldn't you know it I have been sick since Monday evening. I started to postpone my run thinking that perhaps it wouldn't be the best thing for me to do. Then I remembered an image I had seen:
So as I laid my little one down for my nap I thought of the commitment I had made to myself and the fact that I had challenged my family and friends to make sure I keep that commitment to myself. I put on my workout clothes and as I tied my shoes I prayed that God would grant me the strength to make it through my run but that if I needed to stop that He would help me to realize that I was not giving up but simply postponing.
I went through my warm-up and did not include any extra time as I have previously been doing. Then came the little voice "start running" from my iPhone app. Then came a voice just a little bit louder but not quite audible... "I am hear to keep you moving." And then I began to run. The first five minutes went by easily. The next three I became a little out of breath and thought about stopping. Then it came... the energy from deep down inside and the need to finish.
Please don't get me wrong, those last twelve minutes were hard and I struggled but I didn't quit. Afterwards I felt like I had accomplished so much more than a
20 minute run.
At that moment I knew that sick or not I was going to be participating in my scheduled runs. I have my first 5K in 5 weeks. Color Me Rad!! I will be ready and that gives me the strength to push myself.
20 min run,
Color me Rad,
Plump to Princess,
Sept 29,
Week 5
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
*** 2.25 miles *** *** 2.25 miles *** *** 2.25 miles *** *** 2.25 miles ***
I know that it's been several days since I updated the world on how the wannabe princess is doing. My apologies since I know you all are waiting with baited breath. LOL
Today I am here to tell you that I have completed Week 4 of the C25K training and I surpassed the 2 mile mark. I cannot begin to tell you how great it felt when I saw the treadmill pass the 2 mile mark. I really wanted to keep going until I reached 2.5 miles but I didn't want to push it.
I am getting more and more excited about the upcoming Color Me Rad.I haven't worn white in forever so I'm thankful that I will quickly be covered in a variety of colors.
BTW - If anyone wants to join me at the Equestrian Center on Sept 29 I think there is still more room to register.
Monday, August 6, 2012
I own this...

You see those three minutes up there?
Yes, those three minutes at the top of this post?
Those are the ones I am talking about.
I just finished Week 3 Day 2 and not only did I complete the 9 total minutes of running I also added an additional 3 minute session. Oh yea... I am rocking the treadmill. I feel great and the shimmer of my sweat made me smile. I know that is a weird thing to say but someone said that to me once and I thought that they were crazy. So either I am also crazy or there is actually something to seeing the product (sweat) or a great workout. The only way to tell is to keep on going. So I shall continue on and see what happens next.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Look Ma... no hands!
That's what I wanted to yell the whole time I ran today! I was so excited to be on the last day of week 2 for the C25K program. I not only ran for the full 90 seconds plus an additional minute for the last three sections but I didn't have to hold on to the treadmill the entire time I ran.
I can't believe that I am still going strong. A friend of mine recently told me that she knows I am not a quitter so she has no doubt that I am continuing to train as I said I would. Boy did that boost my confidence as well as make me feel like I really have to keep going. I can't let her be wrong about me now can I?
So I am getting excited about the ability to run outside and have made arrangements to start doing so at the end of week 4. I even ordered an arm band for my iPhone so that I can have my tunes with me when I go... not to mention that little voice that tells me when to walk and when to run.
So until then I will be moving along to the beat on my trusty treadmill and you get to read about my progress. Thanks for following me - it really does help keep me motivated.
I can't believe that I am still going strong. A friend of mine recently told me that she knows I am not a quitter so she has no doubt that I am continuing to train as I said I would. Boy did that boost my confidence as well as make me feel like I really have to keep going. I can't let her be wrong about me now can I?
So I am getting excited about the ability to run outside and have made arrangements to start doing so at the end of week 4. I even ordered an arm band for my iPhone so that I can have my tunes with me when I go... not to mention that little voice that tells me when to walk and when to run.
So until then I will be moving along to the beat on my trusty treadmill and you get to read about my progress. Thanks for following me - it really does help keep me motivated.
Friday, July 27, 2012
I think I can... I think I can...

The good news is that for a total of 7.5 minutes I ran without holding on to the treadmill or wondering if I could make it through each segment. A year ago you never could have convinced me that I would be running anywhere much less training to run for a half-marathon. But here I am finding time in my already busy schedule to fit in a running program three times a week.
There isn't a set time for a running program when you have a two year old running around. So as soon as nap time hits I hit the pavement - or that little piece of plastic that spins round and round. And for a touch of humor today that little piece of plastic decided to stop working but thankfully it wasn't until my cool down.
So Week 2 Day 1 is behind me - the treadmill is repaired and "I think I can" has turned into "I did!"
Saturday, July 21, 2012
I just couldn't help it! I wasn't supposed to start my C25K program until Monday but I signed up for the Color Me Rad 5K along with some really cool friends and I was so pumped I had to get started right away. It was so exhilarating. I can't believe that I just used the word "exhilarating" as it pertains to running. I thought that I would be all winded and ready to quit by the half way point but the way the program works made it easy to get through the entire workout without feeling too much pain.
Oh there was pain and my legs felt like jello when I was done but it gave me such a great sense of accomplishment. I can't wait until Monday when I am able to do Week 1 Day 2.
Be sure to come and check out how I'm doing... root me on... make fun of me!
I don't care because I am doing this for me and everyone likes it when I'm happy!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Yup... you read that right. The Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon.
I'm doing it and I'm doing it with a smile. There may be tears along the way and I might be in pain when it is all said and done but this is something I must do for myself. Let's just say I started my own little bucket list and this is at the top. Considering I have never even run a 5K this adventure is a little scary. This coming Monday I begin the C25K program and have already chosen my first 5K that will be run at the end of September. Watch for details!
So sit back and enjoy the craziness that is my life as I add just one more thing... but certainly one of the most important because ultimately it is about being happy and healthy
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